• My Love of Notes I take notes…lots and lots of notes. As my responsibilities have grown throughout my career so has my need to keep track of more things. I have a shelf of moleskin notebooks filled with notes. I find documenting helps me retain information so the act of note taking has benefits. But the notes themselves? I’ve hardly referenced. They are disorganized, unstructured, and lack context. Now they serve mostly as a catalog for my doodles.
  • Decomposing a high-level strategy is hard. Immediately we want to know “When is it going to be done?” and “How much is going to cost? (In effort, time, and/or actual $$$)” It’s a fair question to ask because in tight times we want to make sure we aren’t wasting effort (and $$$). We spend days and weeks debating who to move to which team and calculating budgets requests to increase staffing.
  • I get stuck in starting on the most basic tasks. This blog is a prime example. I have so many lists in so many different tools of topics that have been rattling around in my head for years. When my daughter gets stuck in her own analysis paralysis I tell her to just start, take a first step, just do. I’m going to take my own advice. Here’s a nonsensical, non-prioritized, non-complete, brain dump of topics that will blog about at some point: