• I’ve made no secret of my love for Obsidian, the free-form, loosely-organized, markdown-based notetaking tool. I use it for everything. I use it to organize work, I use it for drafting blog posts, and I use it when I need to get something out of my head. One of the super-powers of Obsidian and the Zettlekasten notetaking philosophy is the concept of writing stuff down now and organizing it later. Obsidian provides many different views to explore and navigate between notes.
  • (This is the first in a series about Rawk-it.com, my passion project about music trends) For the Love of Music Music is a passion of mine. I’m one of those people who is extremely moved by music. There’s nothing better than experiencing the expression of feeling through music. Whether it be my kids practicing an instrument in our house or an arena show in the city, I can’t get enough of it.
  • I purchased the Computerjargon.com domain name back in 1998, shortly after I started my first job as a “web programmer”. I was working for a now-defunct company called Moore Data Management Systems in Minneapolis. The internet boom was just starting to take off and I was trying to ride it’s wave. I had been developing web pages and perl scripts since 1993. I remember updating HTML to be compliant with Netscape 1.