• I purchased the Computerjargon.com domain name back in 1998, shortly after I started my first job as a “web programmer”. I was working for a now-defunct company called Moore Data Management Systems in Minneapolis. The internet boom was just starting to take off and I was trying to ride it’s wave. I had been developing web pages and perl scripts since 1993. I remember updating HTML to be compliant with Netscape 1.
  • Hello there. Let’s get a few basics out of the way: Name: Jason Motylinski Profession: Software Engineering Years of experience: 25 Current Role: VP, Engineering Previous Roles: Way too many to list. Started as an engineer, moved into leadership and people management about 12 years ago. Technologies: I’ve been all around the tech stack: backend, frontend, and APIs. I’ve been in the cloud and on-prem. I have built solutions from scratch and I have contributed to mature platforms.