Riley’s Halloween Birthday Party

October 1, 2007 – 12:58 pm

A conversation between Courtney and myself:

[13:55] brokenindu: do we have to dress up for riles birthday?
[13:55] Courtney: yes!
[13:55] Courtney: i was going to tell you!
[13:55] brokenindu: dammit…
[13:55] Courtney: at Target they have an adult size gorilla costume
[13:56] brokenindu: you’ll look good in it.
[13:56] Courtney: its too big for me
[13:56] Courtney: you will have to take one for the team

No Rest for the Weary

October 1, 2007 – 9:28 am

The weekend started out with a bang but ended in a 3 am Charlie Foxtrot Monday morning. Let me explain:

Feeling feisty and hungry Friday night, we checked Riley into the “Grandparents Motel” and headed out for the evening. In search of a good steak we decided to hit Red Stone in Minnetonka. We enjoyed a fine 3-course meal sprinkled with wine and vodka. The only thing better than the food was the impeccable service. At one point I called over the manager to give kudos to our waiter.

Still Riley-free Saturday morning, we did a little birthday shopping for him. I don’t want to ruin any surprises but lets just say he’ll really appreciate all the new clothes we got him. We were beat tired from the night before so we settled in for a quiet night at home. Court put Riley to bed and I began reading Into the Wild. We hit the sack early and called it a day.

An hour later we heard a barking seal from Riley’s room. We listened for awhile as the seal got angrier. Riley awoke from his slumber angry and frustrated. The coughing kept Riley up. We were concerned because his breathing was quite labored and he was gasping for breath. With my history of asthma we’re overly concerned when we hear things like this. We hopped in the car and headed to the emergency room. By 3am Riley had been diagnosed with croup, an inflammation of his throat, and we were heading home for a little sleep.

Sunday we spent over at the folks house watching football. None of the three of us had slept much the night before. We made it through the ‘rents on sugar and caffeine. We all crashed early. Called it a night before night began.

My work pager rang at 2:30am. It was an urgent issue that needed attention. 2:30am is no time to be thinking, especially about work. Some item wasn’t showing on the website and it needed to be active by 5am. When in the T.V. biz this stuff happens at all hours of the day. I spent the next 2 hours troubleshooting and waking up many other poor souls. At the end of the night it was someone else’s mess up that got me up in the middle of the night.

This morning I’m flying on little sleep and even less motivation. I’m waiting for today to come and go. The kicker is that I will get no more extra sleep tonight. I have a scheduled upgrade for work at 2am. I may just have to call in sick tomorrow.

Amazon - The 3-step 1-click Checkout

September 26, 2007 – 7:14 am

As promised I just gave Amazon’s MP3 Download store a run. I wanted to purchase The New Pornographers Challengers. Here was the steps I had to go through to purchase it:

1. After arriving at the web site I found the album

2. I downloaded Amazon’s Downloader. It’s nothing more than a download manager application. Doesn’t do anything fancy

3. On the album I clicked the “Buy MP3 Album with 1-Click”. Although I am not an avid 1-click user it appeared to be the only option for purchasing the full album.

4. I was prompted to verify my purchase, which I did. I was then given an error message which indicated that payment could not be processed. It didn’t surprise me since I probably didn’t have my 1-click settings configured.

5. I configured my 1-click settings and proceeded back through the same checkout process.

6. I received a different checkout error indicating that I needed to update my credit card settings.

7. I went back into my account and removed any old credit cards. As a bonus I also cleared out all old shipping addresses.

8. I proceeded back through the same checkout process. I was given the same checkout error indicating my credit card settings were wrong.

9. Getting pretty fed up, I went into my 1-click settings and turned it off.

10. I marched through the checkout process again. This time because my 1-click settings were off I was given the option to choose a credit card to bill to. I selected the only one on the list (a valid one mind you) and was able to successfully complete my purchase.

The only option for purchasing a full album is a button on the site called “Buy MP3 Album with 1-Click”. But I was able to purchase an album without using the 1-click settings. It seems a little confusing to me.

The download process was seamless. A file is sent from the browser to the Amazon Downloader application which aptly handles the downloading of the files. A nice touch is the automatic import into iTunes. The downloader adds the songs to your iTunes library automatically.

The MP3 quality is 256kbps which sounds good. I have the track Myriad Harbour in both Mp3 and AAC . From what I can hear the songs are identical.

All in all, to save a few bucks and get the tracks without DRM I think the initial headaches of Amazon will fade. The interface is so-so for the Amazon store. It similar to the rest of Amazon, functional but not aesthetically pleasing.

UPDATE: Upon purchasing a second album the checkout process was only a 2-step process of clickin ghte “Buy MP3 Album with 1-Click” and then verifying the purchase. It would appear that after the first purchase 1-click is automatically set up.

The Music Revolution

September 25, 2007 – 3:30 pm

I recently gave up on CDs. I have been a staunch supporter of my local music shops for many years. But I finally became fed up after struggling to find even local music at the local Cheapo. I would pack up Riles and hop in the car on a Sunday and drive to Cheapo to just be let down when they didn’t have the music I came looking for.

So, instead of CDs we converted to buying online at iTunes. The DRM issue has always kept me at arms length with Apple. But the convenience of having music at the push of a button overrode my fear. I also hoped the switch would help me spend my money a little more wiser. In the past I’ve bought a flurry of bad albums. There has always been at least one good song on every album I bought, but sometimes it was *just* one. While 99 cents may not be the perfect price for a track, I realized using the old school route I was spending way more than that for just one song.

About once a week Courtney and I hop online to spend a few bucks on music. One night after a racking up the tracks Courtney said, “Oh, I better stop. I’m spending too much money.” In reality she had only purchased 8 tracks costing us much less than if she had bought every album for just the single track.

Amazon launched their MP3 store today. I’m a little torn now. I can get my music without the DRM for a little bit less than what I pay at iTunes….but then I wouldn’t be using iTunes. Half of the ease of online music purchasing is due to iTunes. There’s also this feeling of betrayal. We’ve come to love our iTunes shopping sprees. Will Amazon be the same?

So tonight Courtney and I will probably give Amazon a whirl. See how it works. See if we get the same satisfaction from it as we do from iTunes.

p.s. - The love of Apple carries over to Amazon. As of this writing Fiest’s song 1234 is Amazon’s #1 track for today.

Car Flood

September 21, 2007 – 6:50 am

A few years ago we learned a hard lesson about our street block. The southern end tends to flash flood in heavy rain. We learned the hard way and had to have $1500 worth of carpet repaired in our old Honda.

I arrived home yesterday during the torrential rain last evening to find no less than 4 cars in various predicaments at the end of the street. I felt bad for them but they had already gone in too deep. There wasn’t much they could do except push their car out and wait for it to dry out. Unfortunately they too had to learn the hard way.

In a panic I called Courtney, who was following me home, “DO NOT COME HOME FROM THE SOUTH!” I shouted on her voicemail. About 10 minutes later she arrived home with her car just fine.

Calorie Count - Life Hacking

September 12, 2007 – 11:47 am

I count calories…well, sort of. I like to attempt to count calories. I try my best to eat right but I’m always cutting corners. Calorie counting helps keep me honest. With that said, I cheat a lot.

I like to try out various websites that help with calorie counting. It’s hard to find a single site that has everything I eat. My recent test-drive has been with Calorie Count Plus, a site provided by I like that it goes above and beyond just counting calories. It has a decent community side to it as well as a bountiful amount of information about food and general health.

I’m on day 2 of my attempt to count how healthy I eat. I’m not claiming any success, I’m just sayin’.

Last night I was recording what I had for dinner. I crunched the numbers and ran the food log report. 2 out of 7 items were healthy. The rest were given grades of a C+ or lower.

I pondered this for awhile, assessed the situation and proclaimed to Courtney, “Yep. I see my problem. It was the DQ Buster Bar and the mint ice cream that did me in.”

Courtney raised an eyebrow. “The Buster Bar and ice cream? You needed a website to tell you that.”

Apparently some of us know this information off-hand.

Attention to Details

September 5, 2007 – 8:38 am

Last night when I arrived home Riles was in a stellar mood. Court had been watching him play on the floor by himself for some time. As the night progressed we noticed that he was being quite pleasant all night. During dinner he sat politely and ate. We happened to notice while he ate his eyes were half closed. Riles isn’t typically a tired child, he’s on the go all day long.

We started running the stats and something wasn’t adding up. He was focused and played alone, he ate without incident and appeared tired. Court gave him the ol’ Back-0f-the-hand thermometer test (much more pleasant than the official rear-end check). We debated for awhile whether he was warm or not. But by 7pm it was quite evident that he was running a temp. He was quite tired and ready for bed. There wasn’t much we could do except give him some ibuprofen and put him down for bed.

When we started this whole parenting thing I was quite afraid of knowing when was the right time to do something with Riles. How was I to know when he’s hungry? tired? sick? If there’s one thing I’ve learned it’s that I will never know when any of those things happen.

Over time I think we’ve learned that our best guess is probably good enough. There’s no point with struggling to get an exact temp when the forehead test will suffice.

Sadistic Flonase

August 29, 2007 – 7:09 am

With the rapidly changing weather patterns here in MN my allergies have been acting up. It’s never on those dreary rainy days either. It’s always on the hot and humid days that follow. For the last week I’ve been fighting a cold of as well as our diseased caring child brings home more germs than Mr. Clean can kill off. Yesterday I had to admit that I needed to see the doctor. Last time I waited for my allergies to magically fix themselves I ended up with a sinus infection. That was 5 weeks of hell that I care not to replicate.

The doc told me that luckily I did not have a brain tumor or a sinus infection. While good news, it wasn’t about to solve the 5 day headache I had. Nothing could get rid of the headache. I tried caffeine, ibuprofen, sinus medication, etc…None of them even put a dent in the pain. The doc prescribed me some Flonase and sent me on my way.

Unfortunately the Flonase isn’t a miracle drug. I shoot it up my nose for 10 days. I should see relief in about 4-5 days. But the worst and most ironic part of Flonase is it’s smell. It’s a nasal spray so it goes to work immediately upon “shooting”. It smells like flowers, the very element that sets off my allergies. Now I’m no rocket scientist, but I can tell you one thing that I think I’m having phantom sinus drainage just from the fabricated flower scent. It’s either that or I’m allergic to the smell of an allergy medicine.

MDC 2007

August 23, 2007 – 7:25 am

I attended the Minnesota Developers Conference 2007 yesterday, a nerdfest for .Net developers. All in all it was awesome. I’ve attended very few conferences in my life. It’s nice to get out and mingle with nerds. I could talk ad nauseum about some things. It was also a great way to come up to speed fast with the new stuff coming in .Net 3.5.

I was most surprised, though, by the amount of old and new friends I ran into at the conference. I bumped into at least one person from just about every job I’ve worked since 1998. It was awesome. I forgot what a large network of cool people I have. It made my day.

Riley - 9 Months

August 21, 2007 – 6:58 am

In case you were curious if Riley was still alive. He’s managed to survive 9 months of us.