
15:47 : Vacation Statistics

Spam received while on vacation: 2,220
Actual e-mail from people I know: 2
Minutes taken to skim work e-mail: 3
Amount of minutes spent in the sun over the last week: 1680
Amount of nasal decongestant pills taken in Mexico: 4
Pounds of scambled eggs eaten: 3 1/2
The cans of beer drank: I don't know, we drank it from a plastic cup
The total amount of various beers served in Cozumel: 2 (Corona and Dous Equis if you're curious)



15:16 : Blockage

In preparation for my time in Mexico I have purchased the following stomach aides:
  1. Imodem AD
  2. Tums
  3. Pepto Chewable Tablets
  4. Gas-X

I figure this way I have absolutely every base covered. Whether it's going out too fast, hanging around too long, or just flat-out having a boxing match in my abdomen.



13:29 : The Politics of History

My mother called me a Type A personality this weekend. I looked at her and said, "Really? You can tell? I thought I hid it better." For whatever reason I assumed that my brother and dad were the only Type A's in the family. I guess I'm not that different after all.

I'm about to head to Cozumel to enjoy the beach and Mexican food. I'm starting to get used to this yearly vacation thing. Right now some sun and some margaritas seem like the best idea I've heard in a long time.

For the trip I picked up some new music: Bright Eyes - Digital Ash in a Digital Urn and Lemon Jelly - '64 - '95. Both have an eletronic sound to them, a sound I've been craving lately. I also picked up the complete works of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Being the practical ("Type A") person I am I figured I should just get all the books in one so that I don't have to buy them separately. When I received the book today I found out that it's 4 inches thick. It will look like I'm reading a dictionary. The print is gigantic. I thought I might have accidently bought the blind person's version. At least it'll give me the false sense that I'm a great speed reader and that I'm flying through the books.

P.S. - While writing this I realized that I shouldn't listen to Conor Oberst's music randomly. I should listen to the songs in the order they appear on the album. Otherwise they make little to no sense by themselves.



08:07 : The White Noise is Killing Me

At work they pipe white noise ("static") through the speakers all day long. Most people assume the noise is from a constantly running ventilation system, when in fact, it's just the white noise. It only stops when the power goes out. There's an errie silence when that occurs. Apparently the white noise helps cut down on chatter between people, deadening the sound of people talking to others. It seems to me that people just talk louder with the noise. Along with the flourescent lightening, thestatic noise makes the office sterile. I feel claustrophobic. The constant hum of the noise reminds me of Stephen King's story, "The Langoliers." A group of individuals are haunted by the sound of white noise off in the distance, which is the sound of their reality being consumed by nothingness.



13:00 : The Good Word from Mike Doughty

Mike Doughty announced his ATO debut release, "Haughty Melodic", to be released on May 3rd. Here's the track listing:
1. Looking at the World from the Bottom of a Well
2. Unsingable Name
3. Madeline and Nine
4. Busting Up A Starbucks
5. White Lexus
6. American Car
7. Tremendous Brunettes
8. I Hear The Bells
9. Sunken-Eyed Girl
10. Grey Ghost
11. His Truth Is Marching On
12. Your Misfortune



13:51 : Quote from the Developer Pool

"I don't want to be God. I just want to be Jesus." - Frank

Spoken like a true developer.



08:09 : Media Report

In my continuing series of new music reports I give to you Marah and Arcade Fire:

Marah - 20,000 Streets Under the Sky
I picked up the Marah album after hearing "Freedom Park" a few times on the radio. It is a catchy jingle with clapping and chanting in it. It's repetitious beat worked it's way into my head to the point where I just needed to own the album. The album reminds me much of Matchbox 20 (Twenty?) with a Philidelphia twist. It's good mainstream pop music, nothing too complicated. The accoustics of the album are interesting. But if I were to do it again, I would just get the single instead of the entire album.

Arcade Fire - Funeral
I really, really need to be in the mood to listen to Arcade Fire's "Funeral." It needs to be one of those dreamy sort of moods when I'm looking for something to just fill the void of quiet. I wish I had more to say about the album but to tell you the truth, sometimes I can't tell when one song ends and another begins. It's one that I enjoy from end to end, if I can make it that long without falling asleep.



08:50 : Religious Warfare

Religious warfare is than we may think.



10:55 : You Get the Ankles and I'll Get the Wrists

After my recent procurement of an iPod I've been keeping my eye on interesting stories about the fad. Wired is running a story about . Basically, it's based on rumors that some people in Microsoft doesn't like people using competing technologies. Considering the won't be on Intel architecture, I highly doubt Microsoft is too tied to any one technology. I would think Apple is more afraid of Windows Media files getting on to their iPods. iTunes market share would erode quickly.

Now, to my battle with the little white demon. I'm taking mine back tonight to exchange it for a non-broken one. I have heard the click wheel is a titch sensitive. But mine is flat out wacky. When I hit the Menu button, the music pauses. When I adjust the volume the light turns on. It's all over the board. I thought it may be my large gorilla-like thumbs not able to navigate the overly-simplistic navi-button. But after talking with a few others I think I just got a broke one. So back to the store with mine.



13:29 : Can't Concentrate


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