
08:09 : Media Report

In my continuing series of new music reports I give to you Marah and Arcade Fire:

Marah - 20,000 Streets Under the Sky
I picked up the Marah album after hearing "Freedom Park" a few times on the radio. It is a catchy jingle with clapping and chanting in it. It's repetitious beat worked it's way into my head to the point where I just needed to own the album. The album reminds me much of Matchbox 20 (Twenty?) with a Philidelphia twist. It's good mainstream pop music, nothing too complicated. The accoustics of the album are interesting. But if I were to do it again, I would just get the single instead of the entire album.

Arcade Fire - Funeral
I really, really need to be in the mood to listen to Arcade Fire's "Funeral." It needs to be one of those dreamy sort of moods when I'm looking for something to just fill the void of quiet. I wish I had more to say about the album but to tell you the truth, sometimes I can't tell when one song ends and another begins. It's one that I enjoy from end to end, if I can make it that long without falling asleep.



08:50 : Religious Warfare

Religious warfare is than we may think.



10:55 : You Get the Ankles and I'll Get the Wrists

After my recent procurement of an iPod I've been keeping my eye on interesting stories about the fad. Wired is running a story about . Basically, it's based on rumors that some people in Microsoft doesn't like people using competing technologies. Considering the won't be on Intel architecture, I highly doubt Microsoft is too tied to any one technology. I would think Apple is more afraid of Windows Media files getting on to their iPods. iTunes market share would erode quickly.

Now, to my battle with the little white demon. I'm taking mine back tonight to exchange it for a non-broken one. I have heard the click wheel is a titch sensitive. But mine is flat out wacky. When I hit the Menu button, the music pauses. When I adjust the volume the light turns on. It's all over the board. I thought it may be my large gorilla-like thumbs not able to navigate the overly-simplistic navi-button. But after talking with a few others I think I just got a broke one. So back to the store with mine.



13:29 : Can't Concentrate



20:20 : Lots to Cover, There's Not Enough Time

Time, it's precious these days. I don't have much to spend, so I spend it wisely. Or at least I try to. I've never really been good with currency.

Where to start...Hmm. has be listening to all sorts of great new music. In fact, I'm having troubles controlling my CD music habit. I've picked up 4 new discs in the last two weeks. I will try to dish them out in a controlled manner, so that I don't overwhelm and confuse the slower people. Let's move on to a fun topic.

I have to admit that I bought an iPod this weekend. You were going to find out at some point, whether you find me bepopping down the street with my white headphones, or you catch me shopping for accessories online. I had to give in to the corporate monster. When you boil it down, though, nothing really compares to an iPod. Every other MP3 player I considered buying had some flaw that the iPod didn't. I'm quite happy with it. In fact, I'm not quite sure how I lived without it. This is my fourth MP3 player. I adopted these gizmos early and often. Apple got it right, in my humble opinion.

I'll start with my oldest album purchase, by the Olympic Hopefuls. From what I gather, the Hopefuls have made a huge local splash lately. You can't open up any well respected local music literary without some mention of them. They have a very non-unique pop-rock feel to them. I've heard it before, ala Fig Dish and the like. I wouldn't call them revolutionary, or even evolutionary. And although their style has been done before, I really enjoy it. I'm all for good bubblegum pop rock. I need something I can bob my head to. Sometimes life is too simple for introspective tales from Bright Eyes. Sometimes the world begs for simple, brain dead rawk. The Olympic Hopefuls provide just that. Your stereotypical bubblegum rock.



13:26 : Even the Best Have Bad Days

I know it's annoying to post chat logs but I found this funny. Courtney was having computer troubles with her ancient work computer:

(13:22:40) puckwucker: i have to shit this bitch down
(13:22:43) puckwucker: will be back later

Good luck, Miss Courtney, and God bless. You go and shit that bitch. That will teach it a lesson.


09:02 : All My Eggs in One Basket

Last week I did an uber lode of laundry. I threw all my go-to shirts and pants into one load. By doing so, I was guaranteed an entire week of clean clothes by only doing one load. I filled the washer to the brim, turned the cycle dial and called it a day. Brilliant!

What I failed to do was check the pockets of my pants. A tin of Carmex had been missing for a week. Lo' and behold, I found it empty in the dryer after my uber load finished drying. It was too late to salvage the severely damaged clothes, although I tried my best to clean it up.

Every morning since then I scan my clothes thoroughly for grease stains and for the most part I got away lucky. I had to cut my losses and toss one of my shirts. I'm waiting for the moment someone walks up with a disgusting look on thier face to ask me, "What the hell is that on your ass?!"



20:59 : An Appeal

I would like to take a moment to talk to my good friend, and music adversary, Josh. Josh is my life line to new, unheard-of music. Josh has a keen ear for great new music. But I must ask, Josh, that you give Accient Clearing House another try. The radio and albums just don't do them justice. You really need to appreciate their energy and swank, alternative country style in person.

And if you have been witness to their stand-up bass and washboard show and still are not a fan, then I implore to you to drink more next time and dance a bit more. Gym class dance lessons finally paid off for me when I started going to their shows.



16:18 : The Current

Unleashed at 9 am this morning, The Current has had a great playlist all day long. As Courtney R. said, "Music nerds rejoice!" I'm currently enjoying a wonderful mix of great music, Mary Lucia, and MPR news radio all on the same station. Check out the other music dorks loving every moment of the new current.



12:52 : Speak of the Devil

Bill Kling announced today over lunch that 89.3 FM will go on the air Monday morning at 9 am.


10:07 : Alternative Public Radio

If you didn't think us leftists didn't have enough radio choices here in Minnesota, good ol' Minnesota Public Radio is adding yet another station to the mix, currently known as 89.3 FM. Unlike other public radio stations, though, it's not a talk, news, or jazz source but a source for local and independent music. I'm quite excited since they announced the return of both Thorn and Mary Lucia. If only Brian Oak could be swept away from Cities97 it would solidify the return of the glory days of Rev105 from the early 90s.

Presumably the concept of the new radio station is a subscriber-based funding model. I, for one, will have no problems paying for quality music.

MPR's president, Bill Kling, will be on Midday today at noon discussing the new radio station.



06:40 : My Keyboard Walked Across My Desk

It's 6:30ish in the morning and I'm a little groggy from the evening before. I surfed the traditional geek news outlets when I watched my keyboard start rolling towards me, all on it's own. I freaked out. I thought maybe it was a trick of the eye, with such poor lighting in my computer room. I moved the keyboard back up to the center of the desk. The same thing occurred. On it's own, it rolled off the edge of the desk. Finally, convinced that my keyboard was possessed, I picked it up hoping not to find some crazed angry ghost who decided to take it's wrath out on my through moving my keyboard. All I found was a battery that rolled. The battery was causing my possessed keyboard. What a way to wake up.


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