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Powerbook vs. God
Posted on 2004-08-30 07:55:07

God doesn't like Powerbooks. My favorite quote from the news clip:

"What can we learn from this? In a kickboxing match between Jesus and Jobs, Steve would win."

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Working Out Pays Off
Posted on 2004-08-29 22:16:07

Have you ever seen 5 cubic yards of river rock? My dad had the best guess/estimate of what it might look like: an 8 foot diameter, waist-high pile. That's just about what it was too when they dropped it off Friday morning.

I started this yard project in the early summer, rock in everything the dogs had managed to trample, pound, and kill. I laid some edging from the back part of the garage around the entire back of the house. After spending three days installing the edging it took me another 2 months to actually get the rock.

But once I did, I went gangbusters. There's nothing more satisfying than throwing rock on top of a down trodden mud pit. I spent two days playing with my new rock, throwing it anywhere and everywhere I could. I still have a waist high pile of rock, but now it's only 4 feet in diameter. I'm pretty sure my neighbors think I'm nuts. I know the dogs do.

So that was my weekend, installing a new rockbed in my yard. Feel free to stop by any time soon and fling some rock yourself. I'll be installing more until I'm blue in the face.

Speaking of music, have you read the story about the Grey Album? It's a DJ mix of Jay-Z's latest Black Album and the Beatles White Album. Sounds spiffy, eh? Well, once EMI, the owners of the White Album caught wind of the unique project they put the kibosh on the Grey Album release. Supposedly it's floating around the internet's nooks and crannies. I feel a hunt is on.
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The Evil Empire
Posted on 2004-08-26 08:20:42

I harvested a hard drive out of a Linux machine I wasn't using to replace my dead disk in my main machine. I discovered the dead disk was an IBM Deathstar. "Son of a..!" came flying from my mouth.

See, problems with an IBM 60 gig hard drive are very well known and well documented. In fact, I had one of these die on me 3 years ago. I knew what to expect. And I knew I needed to replace it. But it must have slipped my mind shortly after I acknowledged that I had a shit drive in my computer.

Luckily, though, the infested disk is now out of my machine. All is well again in the Jason Complex.
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Nothing to See Here. Please Move Along
Posted on 2004-08-25 08:00:57

I had my switch blow out on me yesterday while I was at work. Which meant all my internet traffic ceased. This is the second Linksys switch I've had burn up on me in 4 years. I'm thinking of stocking backups just in case.

An odd side effect of this all seems to be the loss of a hard drive in my main computer too. I haven't lost any data....yet. I'm in data recovery mode. It seems when it rains it pours.

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Posted on 2004-08-23 08:41:32

I finally got to see Napoleon Dynamite this weekend. Being a geek/need/dweeb/dork I figured I could relate to the struggles of a misunderstood teen. The movie was hilarious with it's dry sense of humor. It was an odd movie, much like the Royal Tennenbaums.

Courtney put it best when a gaggle of teenagers in the theater had trouble controlling themselves, "When you come to see a movie about dorks, you're bound to have dorks in the theater." It made me feel old whining about the rackus noise of the kids. So instead I sat back and appreciated the fact that for 1:30 hrs I was 16 again.
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How to Let Someone Down Easily
Posted on 2004-08-20 12:26:00

From it's home page:

So here's the scenario: You're out at a bar, riding transit, or even just walking down the street, and some bozo who desperately wants into your pants starts up a conversation with you. Rather than make a scene or make them upset, you're polite and at least nod at the proper times. Then, of course, they ask you for your number. Except this is 2004, so maybe they ask for your email address instead.

That's where Paper Napkin comes in. Give them (or, to be less suspicious), tell them it's your address, and when they write you, they'll automatically get a response telling them how badly they've been rejected.
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