Release me. - Pearl Jam

 j o h n n y c

2nd Year
Posted on 2004-01-20 11:44:12

Courtney and I celebrated our second anniversary last night by jaunting into Uptown. We started at Sushi Tango for some great sushi. I'm not quite sure what constitutes great sushi. But I figure it has to be good if you can't tell it raw fish. After having some stiff cocktails with our raw fish we headed over to Zeno, or is it Xeno? I can't remember. It was a really odd coffee/dessert/sandwich shop where we had to be served and seated to order a coffee. We joked, laughed and plain out enjoyed each other's company for the entire evening. Rarely do we take the time to reflect on where we've been and also understand each other. It was a great night and it reminded me why I fell in love with her nine years ago.

Then later on I spent most of the night popping Pepto pills to combat the onslaught of stomach churning acid making it's way through my lower intestines.
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Excerise in Futility
Posted on 2004-01-18 07:28:24

We went shopping for shorts yesterday for an upcoming trip. I might as well just walked up to a brick and kicked it because trying to find shorts in January in Minnesota is impossible. Thank god at least one store, Mervyn's, has total disregard for our weather. They had a couple pairs which would get me through the next couple of weeks.

I'm trying to decide between two things: a personal video player (for the plane ride) or a tread mill. The PVP has a very high geek factor. And it would be useful in many situations. But the tread mill is practical and healthier. I'll need to ponder this a bit more before making a decision.

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Posted on 2004-01-09 15:07:19

Well, it's been a good, newsworthy day in my life. Let me touch on the two highlights:

1. It's announced that Steve Buscemi will be joining the cast of The Sopranos for the fifth season.

2. Qwest announces a free speed bump on DSL from 640k service to 1.5M service, effectively doubling the download speed free of charge. VISI informed me that I would have to wait until February for the new service.
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Little Room - The White Stripes
Posted on 2004-01-02 07:51:50

Well you're in your little room
and you're working on something good
but if it's really good
you're gonna need a bigger room
and when you're in the bigger room
you might not know what to do
you might have to think of
how you got started sittin' in your little room

da da da

Little Room - The White Stripes

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Feeding the addiction only makes it worse
Posted on 2004-01-01 20:46:02

My brother has called me a walking billboard for He even asked if I get any kickbacks for signing others up. Unfortunately, I don't. And I can't stop talking about their great service either.

We just finished up the first season of the Sopranos. I was hoping the season would end in a graceful way so that I could move onto a new addiction. We have spent the last 2 weeks waiting and watching for the next disc of the Sopranos to arrive. We'd consume the mob stories two or three episodes at a time. I find myself running to the computer to queue up the next available disc after I complete the current one. Now that we're at the end of a season I felt it was time to move on, time to find another great show. For a split second I considered all the other great movies I have in my queue, then changed the queue and ordered up Sopranos season 2.
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My pride and joys
Posted on 2003-12-29 07:26:29

Here are the two new pride and joys of my CD collection:

These CDs are 5 years old but were just recently released by Pioneer in September in the U.S. Originally they were released in Japan when the anime Serial Experiments: Lain was popular in 1998. I had to wait until '03 to finally find them. I had caught wind that these soundtrack discs had hit the mainland earlier this year but I was surprised to stumble upon them at my local Best Buy. Believing that I could not possibly be the *only* person looking for these I swiped them up like a thief.

Yes, I know. I'm a dork.

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