Release me. - Pearl Jam

Superpissed Headlines
 j o h n n y c

Posted on 2002-10-16 14:36:31

Did I tell you Court and I painted our bedroom red? Yeah. We did. It's a little darker then the shade used on Computer Jargon. I've painted it 6 times now (2 primers, 4 coats of paint) and it's not done yet. I learned the hard way that red is the hardest color to paint walls. Apparently a coworker of mine is doing a similar color. HIS Home Depot expert warned him. Mine didn't. I'm ashamed of my representative.

Last weekend when we got back from a walk with the dogs through the woods/park Courtney discovered a quarter-sized hole on Syndey's side. It was pretty damn disgusting. Syd didn't seem to mind much but we took her to the hospital anyway. 2 stitches later she was good to go. Then on Monday she ran head-first, full-speed into our flag pole. I yelled, "If you're hurt again, dog, that's it! You're gonna tough this one out! You only get one vet bill a week!" No, I didn't really say that. But I wanted to.

Tonight I'm going to get a 1/4-sheet palm sander because Best Buy was out of my printer. I need sort of toy. I'm going nuts just paying bills.
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Coupons and CDs
Posted on 2002-10-02 08:25:57

I just got an email for a "Free Whore Coupon." Hmm. I wonder how much money you can save with it? I love spam.

Joe tipped me off a while back about Mike Doughty releasing his live set from the Minneapolis show on disc. But I procrastinated. Then Aron started bragging....*cough*...raving about it so I decided I was finally ready to pick up the CD.

SOLD OUT. Yeah, f'n' Mike Doughty. Sold out. No, not figuratively, literally. No CDs left. I gave it a big WTF?! and figured I'd have to bootleg it off someone. I'm not one to have much morals about booting music but when it's an artist like Mike who is doing this stuff on his own without big record labels, well, I can't steal from him, can I? It's like robbing a five year old of his tooth fairy money. So I decided I would at least send Mike the money for bootin' it. But it turns out he announced this morning, that due to high deman,d he was going to put in for another pressing of the disc. My prayers are answered. Someone likes me up there. And they're whispering in my ear, "Don't f- this one up, hotshot." Yeah, that's right, God calls me "hotshot."
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Note to self
Posted on 2002-09-25 08:11:40

Buy Pearl Jam album in November.
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Posted on 2002-09-24 09:00:39

Things that drive me nuts:
People who eat a single pop tart and use equal in their coffee.

I bet they eat a greasy lunch.
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All the kids are doing it
Posted on 2002-09-23 12:47:56

My latest Internet fascination has been with which allows you to find old friends from the BBS days. Granted, I was 12-17 when I BBS'd so I didn't have any real online friends but it's still sweet to remember all the aliases from the boards. I registered with The Hub, Death Cookie, and a few others (including SOLAT). But I was surprised to not find Vanilla Fudge's The Chalet or Kirk's old board. For the life of me I can't think of his BBS's name. His handle was Chip so I want to say it was something like Chips and Dips. Bah, that was /.'s old name. Well, if you happen to know Kirk and what I'm talking about please let him know I'm looking for his BBS name.
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Seasonal Depression
Posted on 2002-09-19 12:42:38

Holy crap, I just realized that I'm completed bummed out. Maybe it's today, maybe it's work, maybe it's the weather. My favorite Soul Coughing song just came on. Maybe that will cheer me up.
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The ultimate spam filter
Posted on 2002-09-17 07:42:43

I must have turned my spam filtering software onto "anal retentive" because it has been blocking all email sent to me from free mail services, including email I was supposed to get. So my poor grandmas are probably pretty irked about me not writing them back. hehe.... But it would also explain messages like this, this, and this. Whoops! Well, at least I'm no longer on the Domain Blocked List for open email relays. So not only was I blocking legit email, my server was also relaying spam which put me on many, many shitlists.
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Music Fad

Frank Black and the Catholics - Black Letter Days
© 2002 Jason Motylinski