Release me. - Pearl Jam
I think I have a pretty good idea of what it's like to put two of the world's most stubborn people together in a room.
I was just having a heated discussion with Courtney when she flew out of here. Now, don't think the wrong things here folks. The last thing I need is a misunderstanding. My actions led to her untimely departure. But I realized something. As we sat here livily deciding who did what and who's fault it is I never once stopped to truly undertand what she was so frustrated about. I never stopped to think what was upsetting her so much. I was too busy trying to point fingers away from me. Here I was arguing who did what and who's at fault when the real issue was never addressed. Of course, I realized this after the door shut..... No one expects a Spanish Inquisition. [Post a comment]
I swear to god I'm always the last to know. If you are a game nut and loved the NES (Nintendo Entertainment System) you'll find this flash funny. All your base are belong to us
Being the curious (okay, obsessive) type of person I am I did a little research into the whole NES/phrase history. Let's face it "All your base are belong to us" is horrid grammar. Was it done on purpose? Is it just spliced together for the song? Here's what I tracked down. In the 80's a video was released called Zerowing. The japanese creators had very poor english and thus wrote the phrase "All your base are belong to us." The humor of the phrase spreads. gif animations of the opening of the NES game flow through the 'Net community. The animation of the game opening include the poor english sentences. People start modifying images to include the funny sentence. A group called Laziest Men On Mars create a song using the actual Zerowing soundtrack. Someone puts two and two together and creates a hilarious flash movie. If anyone out there has anymore information on this please let me know. [Post a comment]
I know I will go bald in the near future. I just wish I could see it coming. All of the sudden I have this horrible fear that my hair is falling out at a staggering pace. The real problem is I wear my stupid stocking cap for 3 hours a day which mats my hair down. Dunno, it's just really, really annoying.
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can't sleep, the clowns will eat me.....
can't sleep, the clowns will eat me..... can't sleep, the clowns will eat me..... can't sleep, the clowns will eat me..... can't sleep, the clowns will eat me..... can't sleep, the clowns will eat me..... can't sleep, the clowns will eat me..... can't sleep, the clowns will eat me..... can't sleep, the clowns will eat me..... can't sleep, the clowns will eat me..... can't sleep, the clowns will eat me..... can't sleep, the clowns will eat me..... [Post a comment]
Alright, I've been neglecting Computer Jargon as I work on Pauxpas.com. Sorry. But honestly I haven't touched code in 4 days. So I'm neglecting just about everything in my life. :)
Here's an ironic twist to the car thought. I was just about run over by 2 cars yesterday at Hennipen and Lyndale. I waited patiently for my walk sign. When it flipped to the white walkin' guy I proceeded out into the intersection to be greeted by 2 very large automobiles that decided to run their red light. I stopped in the middle of the road, gave them the "What the FUCK is up?!" sign. They waved me on. "Oh, okay, it's your turn. You can cross the street." Dumbfucks. I love MXPX. I need a new computer. I opened a savings account last weekend. I haven't had a savings account since I was 14. I have always figured my money is there to spend. No need to lock it away in some institution. I have a checking account so I can transfer money electronically. I would hate to only have cash. I'm quite dangerous with just cash. S [Post a comment]
Ever think about what you would do if you were hit by a car? Maybe I think about this more than other people since I walk so much. Here's what I decided I would do if I were struck by a car: 1. Get license plate. Even if I'm deathly injured my first/last breath will be the license plate number of the fucker who hit me. And I've very anal retentive about this stuff (I spent 20 minutes this morning looking for batteries convinced that if I didn't find them my life would suck today) so you can bet I will have gotten the plates of the car. So don't try and talk to me about anything. Don't ask me if I'm alright just say "What's the plates?" and write them down ASAP. 10 bucks says I 'll spit out a description of the car too. 2. Tell someone to call Courtney. I would hate for her to worry. Remember Courtney first, then ambulance. 3. Call ambulance.
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