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Don't save up on life. You gotta spend it all. - Pearl Jam

2001-02-07 10:55:34 - Pain and Neglect

Alright, I've been neglecting Computer Jargon as I work on Sorry. But honestly I haven't touched code in 4 days. So I'm neglecting just about everything in my life. :)

Here's an ironic twist to the car thought. I was just about run over by 2 cars yesterday at Hennipen and Lyndale. I waited patiently for my walk sign. When it flipped to the white walkin' guy I proceeded out into the intersection to be greeted by 2 very large automobiles that decided to run their red light. I stopped in the middle of the road, gave them the "What the FUCK is up?!" sign. They waved me on. "Oh, okay, it's your turn. You can cross the street." Dumbfucks.

I love MXPX.

I need a new computer.

I opened a savings account last weekend. I haven't had a savings account since I was 14. I have always figured my money is there to spend. No need to lock it away in some institution. I have a checking account so I can transfer money electronically. I would hate to only have cash. I'm quite dangerous with just cash. S
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    2001-01-31 07:30:25 - Another Reason

    Ever think about what you would do if you were hit by a car? Maybe I think about this more than other people since I walk so much. Here's what I decided I would do if I were struck by a car: 1. Get license plate. Even if I'm deathly injured my first/last breath will be the license plate number of the fucker who hit me. And I've very anal retentive about this stuff (I spent 20 minutes this morning looking for batteries convinced that if I didn't find them my life would suck today) so you can bet I will have gotten the plates of the car. So don't try and talk to me about anything. Don't ask me if I'm alright just say "What's the plates?" and write them down ASAP. 10 bucks says I 'll spit out a description of the car too. 2. Tell someone to call Courtney. I would hate for her to worry. Remember Courtney first, then ambulance. 3. Call ambulance.
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    2001-01-30 06:01:43 - I am....

    I am jack's unwillingness to awake up.
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    2001-01-28 10:35:58 - Wave 3

    For all you Simpsons toy collectors, Wave 3 has definitely hit Target stores. I ran out yesterday and dropped way too much money on the toys. But I can now say that I have all Wave 3 Simpsons. Wahoo! No need to Ebay. That's how I look at it. No need to get addicted to THAT again. I walked out with all 6 characters from the third wave including Otto, Nelson, Milhouse, and Moe. The comic book store guy (that's his official name BTW) is said to hit the stores in February. I'll have to keep my eye out for that one. The best part is as I was walking out of the toy aisle with all the characters some other older guys came in looking for the exact same thing. Unfortuneately for them I had cleaned Target out. :)
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      2001-01-26 08:29:07 - AKIRA!

      My Japanimation obsession began with one movie in 1990 - Akira. Over the years I rented it countless times, watched it every time on the Sci-Fi channel, and basically obsessed about it. When DVD starting hitting the market I was sure Akira would be one of the first animes to hop on the digital bandwagon. I mean, this movie was timeless, right? It had crossed the language border. But to no avail. The fate of Akira on DVD loomed in limbo for many, many years. So I moved on to other obsessions. Simpsons, Lain, Ghost in the Shell, Futurama--But none of them filled the void of Akira. Then, Todd McFarlane re-lit my flame for it with the release of Tetsuo and Kaneda toys. The memories came flooding back in. Now, my Akira obsession has hit a fevor pitch and I NEED to see Akira. I will whither away if I don't! But where? The VHS versions are no where to be seen and the DVD is stuck in a "who owns the rights", is it? Flashback mid 2000. Pioneer buys the rights up for Akira and begins plotting for the return of the wonderous movie. They plan a redub of the English track, plan a 2001 spring release to theaters with the DVD to follow a few months later! Wahoo! I'm quite excited. My life will be complete once again. :) If you think I'm nuts read what Harry Knowles and his crazy staff have to say about it at Ain't It Cool News.
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      2001-01-25 19:22:30 - Ebay addiction continued

      All I have to say is HOLY SHIT to this one. Someone has put up his entire generation one Transformers for sale. The bidding is to begin at $10,000 but no one has bid yet. This is unbelieveable. And you better bet the guy has the pictures to back it up.
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        2001-01-25 13:14:04 - I have

        I have that feeling of inpending doom is lurking over my head today. So far, seeing the guy puke this morning has been little comfort. The shit is going to hit the fan at some point today. I'm just waiting for it. Can't say I'll be ready for it though.
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