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2000-05-22 - My Crappy CartoonsOkay, they aren't my cartoons. They're Leon's. And the ironic part is they aren't crappy. Check them out at:
http://www.tcinternet.net/users/leon/embry/. They are all works in development and are pretty damn sweet. better get your Quicktime plugin though. He's a Mac guy. I'm trying to get him to make up some shirts of Pittsy and Glenn. Take a peek, let him know what you think.
I love these guys. I've already grown attached to Glenn and want to see a spinoff series with Glenn, the cynic.
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2000-05-19 - BrokenIndustries.com is mine!Wahoo! I've purchased brokenindustries.com without the stupid dash in there! Now comes the task of converting my Linux box from one domain to the next. I've never done that before. It could be a lot more complicated than I think. P.S. I rock.
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2000-05-17 - Really, I'm AliveSomeone mentioned to me the other day that I never post when I have good news. Now that is just a bold face lie I think. I post when I have something to say. I highly doubt most people visiting the site really care if I have a bird now. Or if my girlfriend is moving in. Or if I've seen some really kick ass anime lately. (All of which have happened). Just thought I would let you know that I'm not dead. I'm still here. But if you all would utilize the webcam you would know that I'm still around.
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2000-04-21 - One Bad DayActually, let me rephrase that. "One Bad Week" I have not had one thing go right this week. I should have known this after Monday when I got a stern talking to regarding the lateness of a project. From then on it just got worse. It got so bad that today I actually thought I was going to throw something across the room. I was so angry at poor workflow and shitass work that I could find no better solution than throwing something. Luckily I grabbed a stress ball and cooled out a little. But I'm still mad as hell about workflow.
New? You want something new? You want something more than just me bitching every day? You don't enjoy this? You don't find me amusing? You don't understand where I'm coming from?
Imagine getting to the top of a hill. Then imagine that someone forgot to tell you that you had to go 10 more feet up. And then when you get there, you have to go 10 more. It's neverending. You'll never reach the top..
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2000-04-07 - Lord of the....Broken Industries was upgraded to RedHat 6.2 last night. It was less painless then the upgrade to RedHat 6.1. Maybe I knew what to expect this time. Anyway, it appears that DNS, HTTPD, and SMB are all working. They have been the thorn in my side. I need to figure out how the hell to get them to boot at startup. Somehow HTTPD has stopped booting at bootup. It's very annoying. I think I'll have to place a call into 1-800-BOJAY.
A new X-Men trailer is out. I'm very excited for this summer's movie releases. There are going to be some really kickass geek movies coming out. Gladiator, Titan AE, X-Men. The list goes on and on.
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