End it now

This Guy is....
A known felon
A superhero
Rev. Maynard
A man in a dress

-Journal Archive
-Project Tracker
-The Players

-Rocket Sound

In Beta
-Virtual Postcard
-CJ Cam NEW!


9.9.99 - Those days of yesterday
Well, cable modem access to the Jason Complex has been terminated as of 8:30am this morning. I was sick of dealing with MediaOne and their lousy service. I hated the dialup side of it. It was quite annoying. I'm looking into DSL which is now available to my apartment building. It's dedicated, has a static IP, and doesn't take up the phoneline. A Linux user's dream. :) It will run $15 more a month. Bleh! What's money when you have fast Internet access!

So after I've upgraded to DSL my cable modem script problems will disappear. Now I just have to wait for my credit card to show up.

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mediaone  by: Signal 11  Posted on: 5, 9/17/99 at 9:41:0 PST

8.30.99 - Downstairs at the Basement Show
Sorry for the lack of updates. From starting a new job and registering for school life has been quite hectic. Let me run through the latest updates.

With the new job came new responsiblity. I'm running to catch up with the brilliant minds that work here. So I've been dabbling in DHTML again. Last time my experience with DHTML wasn't so good. I think I was trying to do too much at once. So now I'm taking it one thing at a time. If you click on "Computer Jargon" at the top of CJ's front page you will see my first DHTML experiment that actually worked. I'm quite happy with it. It will be growing in the next week.

Other good news--the CJ Cam has gone permanent! I brought my QuickCam VC to work and it runs great on my new NT workstation. At the Jason Complex it was crashing every 10 minutes on Win98. I'm glad it runs decent at work. So now you can stare at my ugly mug while I'm at work.

Now that I have a working 24/7 webcam I have turned my attention to my original lights project. Over the weekend I was able to modify webcam.c so that it only takes a picture and quits. Before if webcam was executed on Linux it would run until killed. Well, I just wanted it to die by itself. I modified a little code and now it takes a picture and dies. I'm very pleased. Now I can honestly be called a Linux hacker. I'm very proud of that.

Don't forget to check out the CJ webcam!
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mediaone  by: Signal 11  Posted on: 5, 9/17/99 at 9:41:0 PST

8.11.99 - Give In
I just had a thought. People don't want to watch men on webcams. Think about it. By nature men are more visual than women. Women tend to be more cerebral and emotionally oriented (If you disagree with me on this one you haven't dated much). So it makes sense that men want to watch webcams. That's how they size up a person, through a visual image. The majority of men are straight also, unless there's some new statistic I haven't read. So the majority of men on the Internet will choose to watch women over men on the Internet. This just makes too much sense.

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mediaone  by: Signal 11  Posted on: 5, 9/17/99 at 9:41:0 PST

8.9.99 - Sunny side of Sanity
An hour left of work. Thank god. I'm just about to loose my mind.

I spent the weekend getting less sleep than I do during the week, which is a Bad Thing (tm). I'm the kind of person that needs 8 hours of sleep. Now, I'm not saying that I sleep 8 hours and feel like a million bucks. 8 hours is minimal. That's what I need to function. If I don't get 8 hours I'm a walking zombie. When I get less than that I'm worthless. Last night I got 8. Thank god. Any less and I would be like the old guy in the next cubical who spends his afternoons dozing off onto his keyboard.

On the lighter side of things I set up a third computer in the Jason Complex this weekend. It's a lowly 486 100 mhz Micron. It's slow to boot and reboot but I managed to shove Linux on to it's 494 meg hard drive. I realized after installing Linux that I could have at least dropped in the spare 1.7 gig drive I have to give it a little more room. But it took 4 hours to install Linux (that's install time people. Not the hour I spent configuring the setup.) and I don't want to go through it again. I named it bob. I'm not much of a unique computer namer. Basic names crack me up. My favorite name for computers has always been Ed. So that's the name of my server. Ed.

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mediaone  by: Signal 11  Posted on: 5, 9/17/99 at 9:41:0 PST

8.6.99 - The undying love of the public eye
For those interested the project status of Lights Camera has been updated. Cruise over to the Project Tracker to read the details.

I'm really starting to get into the Internet again. For about a year I've been just wandering around the 'net doing the same stuff. Surfing around, looking at things, and wishing I could be famous. This past spring I gave myself until April 30th to become famous but alas, that did not happen. I guess I thought I could become famous without doing anything. I was wrong. Big surprise.

But then I stumbled upon Linux. I'd played with Linux before but never really used it for anything productive. Part of the reason was because of the lack of sufficient computer parts. It's hard to run two machines with only 1 monitor. Or try using just a mouse to program. It just doesn't work.

About 3 months ago everything finally came together. I had two complete systems, a table to hold all my goodies, and enough hard drive space to play with. All of the sudden things started coming together. Before I would re-install Linux every 3rd day because I screwed something up royally. Now I hear myself saying, "No! Don't touch that! It's working beautifully. Don't mess with perfection." Ha. Heed my advice.
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mediaone  by: Signal 11  Posted on: 5, 9/17/99 at 9:41:0 PST