Watch out for forks today

This guy is...
A Geek
A Super Geek
An Uber Geek
"The Man"

Other Links:
-Rocket Sound

In Beta Testing:
-Virtual Postcard


4.23.99 - Have you ever stopped to wonder why?
I am proud to say that this is my first entry from the "flipside" a.k.a. Linux. I've been playing with Linux for a few months now but it wasn't until recently that I started using it in a productive setting. I think just about every geek out there is has tried Linux or is planning on it. Linux is a good skill to learn. There is so much to the OS. It can be quite mind boggling. I realized that there is a lot about Windows that I take for granted. On the other hand, I can't believe how much I've learned in 4 months. Ultimately I hope to set up some sort of makeshift web server in my apartment so I can test my PERL scripts without uploading them first.
Sure, Linux is neat, but I must admit the best part about it is playing with the GUI. I have spent two weeks of lunch breaks hunting down the lastest X server, Gnome, KDE, and assorted window managers. The coolest app I have found yet would have to be Eterm which allows for transparent windows. Now that is cool.
For those who are wondering I finally finished off my second computer. The first thing I did when I took this new job was begin building my first computer from scratch. Actually, it all began as an upgrade plan. After 7 months of "updgrading" I had enough spare pieces to slap together another computer. The specs aren't very impressive but it'll work great for my little Linux Experiment.
I'm looking for other geeks who would like to help create a virtual community of sorts. I'm not too sure what this virtual community would be yet but I figure, hey, there have got to be tons of people out there with spare time and coding knowledge. So if you are game send an email to: and I'll give a more detailed description as to what the future holds.
Secondly, I don't know if anyone finds the voting booth funny but I do. I think it's a laugh riot. I have spent my life being picked on and bullied because I'm a geek. So I decided to declare it and scream it from the hillsides. I AM A GEEK!! If you would like your picture used send it to: along with possible voting suggestions. If no suggestions are sent then I get to pick...which could be dangerous.
Next month look for the jargoncam to begin broadcasting. This month's budget just won't allow it today.

4.22.99 - Power of Communication
Okay, I'll admit, there isn't much point to Computer Jargon. It's basically a vast wasteland of my life and talents. But I didn't realize the power of communicating until yesterday. For some odd reason Computer Jargon recieved an extra 50 hits. 50 people that I did not know yesterday now know me and have read my stupid comments and my pointless commentary.

So with that in mind I will respect the power of communications. Although some have said I abuse that power with my long-winded rants. ;)

Computer Jargon has now been enhanced with a PERL journal program that allows me to enter these journal entries from a website instead of going in and editing the HTML every time I have something new I want to say. the journal program also displays the last 5 posts so those who have missed a couple of days can catch up.

I am a hack. And not a very good one at that. I mess around with my computers, I pick up things here and there. But I don't feel like I have a firm grasp on any one thing. I have talked with Internet Developers who say the ability to adapt is key to their profession. Well, how is someone like me supposed to get exposure to everything when I have such limited resources? I work as a Web Developer. When I was hired I had these ideas of grandure. I would come in and revolutionize their way of working! I would show them the right way, the good way, my way. But I quickly learned that they are not paying me for what I know, they are paying me to do what they want. They don't care that I know of better, faster, newer ways of accomplishing the same tasks. They just want me to code HTML.

I love HTML. But after working with it for 8 months day in and day out I realize it has it's limitations. I have picked up PERL and JavaScript in my extra time, when I'm not working at this God-forsaken hole. But who will hire an HTML hack with PERL knowledge?

Enough Soapbox. If you are a geek and have strayed from the path as I feel I have don't be afraid to write. I know we are out there, lost and confused. Send me your ideas, suggestions, rants, raves, etc... I hope to collect rants, raves, etc. from geeks everywhere to be published on Computer Jargon.

4.20.99 - Dynamic Site Creation
On the heals of a re-organization of Computer Jargon I have taken on the task of creating a dynamic entry system for these daily journals. This will make my job much easier. Unfortuneately I am attempting to apply some existing code to the current setup. The adopatation has not been the easiest. Although I did finish it all in one lunch break.

4.19.99 - Mission Statement Update
Computer Jargon has gone through many transformations since it's conception in October of 1998. It began as a newshound site, transformed into a testing site, and came back online in January as a showcase for our talents. So what is Computer Jargon? Good question.

I admit it, I'm a geek. But a lost geek. I've attained the knowledge, I've got the resources, so what should I do? I think this is called a "crossroads."

So to answer the question, "What is Computer Jargon?" I'll tell you this. Computer Jargon is me. I am jargon made of computers. I am a confused man looking for an outlet. Computer Jargon is me and I am a geek.

4.15.99 - Computer Jargon Rebirth
For all potential Web developers remember this bit of knowledge: GIFs and JPEGs suck. If you check out the image on the left you will notice that GIF compression has caused the yellow to be a shade off. The worst part is the GIF picture looks so much better than the JPG. Looks like I'll be reworking it AGAIN in ImageReady.

Hopefully in the next week there will be a message board type system setup for beta testing. I would show you the development version but I'm afraid you might break it. ;)

P.S. Yes, there is a mission statement. No, I haven't typed it out yet. Hold your horses.