Barry McCarthy Leadership Advice
Barry McCarthy on LinkedIn - I’m a Barry McCarthy fan. I heard him speak many times while at Spotify where he was serving as the CFO. He is a brillant business person but also a geniune and honest straight shooter. While his LinkedIn post is largely about Peloton’s streak of successful profitable quarters, buried at the end is Barry’s list of principles which he’s shared over the years.
I’ll repost them so I don’t forget them:
1. Be stubborn on vision, flexible on details
2. Fast is as slow as we go because time is our scarcest resource
3. Intuition drives testing. Data drives decision making
4. Your comfort zone is your own worst enemy
5. Talent density is foundational because good enough isn’t good enough
6. Stress context (not control), freedom and responsibility
7. Understand in order to be understood
8. Get real
9. Think from first principles
10. Put first things first